Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Plans for the Week of March 31-April 3

After Checking the weather for this week we are going to have to practice indoors for at least one more week despite 60 degree highs on Sunday we are supposed to get snow on both monday and wednesday.

We have space at Garlough Elem, M/W starting March 31 through April 16 from 6-7:30pm

and we will be practicing there. It seems like it is about a block from Sibley. We will keep the same plan as before with Boys starting first and going from about 6-7, and Girls coming in at 6:30 and staying until 7:30.

Games for this week will likely have to be postponed as I don't think the teams we are scheduled to play against will have available fields either. I know that Hubbs has emailed White Bear, and I will be sending out emails tonight for both Boys A and B games. I don't think these games will be rescheduled until the weather starts to look a little better but I we will do our best to get them figured out and posted.

If you have any questions feel free to ask either on the facebook group or email me at

Also try to remind people you see about the change from the calendar so that we don't have people showing up outside to be left in the cold on monday after school. I hope you are enjoying your spring break, See you on monday.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Follow this blog by email

Players and parents... enter your email in the "Follow by email" box to the right to get an email notification when a new post has been added to this website.  This is a great way to stay on top of things this season.

Also, all questions about our team (practices, games, cancellations) need to be directed to our coaches (emails to the right).  Do not contact the Henry Sibley Activities office, because they will not have the answer.  Cancellations will be emailed to players and posted on this website.

Team Registration

Reminder - Go to the REGISTRATION page (to the right) to get everything completed ASAP.  Most should be done online.  The only thing to physically hand in is the Medical Form - give to Andrew Barten at practice.

It's time to order your 2014 jersey!

The website is up and running for ordering your jersey for the 2014 season.  Everyone needs to click on the link below to order your size and pay $35 with a credit card.  Please enter the player's full name under "Personal Information", not the parent's name.
Password:  Sibley (case sensitive)

This needs to be done BEFORE SPRING BREAK!  The sooner the jerseys are ordered, the sooner we get to wear them!

Thanks to the captains for working hard with Podiumwear on the jersey design.


Thanks to everyone who attended the first blitz Sunday 3/9.  We raised a little over $2000!!  We have one more blitz left - Sunday 3/16.  Remember, the more money we raise the less money you all have to pay!  If you did not go the first Sunday, then we plan on seeing you this Sunday.  Meet at the Sibley main doors at NOON.  From there, carpools will be formed to sell cards to surrounding neighborhoods.  Bring your packets when you come (keep selling until then).  If you don't have a packet of cards, you will get them Sunday.

Wrapping up the fundraiser... All fundraising packets need to be turned in either at this Sunday's blitz (3/16) or at practice on Monday (3/17) or Wednesday (3/19) at the latest.  Everything needs to be turned in by then so we can wrap up the totals before Spring Break.

Thank you everyone for your hard work with this!!!