Hello and welcome to the 2017 Spring Ultimate Season.
There is registration information on the side bar. The steps to register are:
1)Sign up for a USAUltimate membership. It will cost 34.50 and this will be due immediately (this is required for the rest of signup). (I believe there is also a player waiver they will make you sign so paying isn't the only thing you need to do while on their website).
2)Fill out the information form so that coaches have player information and USAU ID number which will be required to officially roster players.
3)Fill out the medical Authorization Form; Print it out and Bring it to practice. Ladies should give their's to Coach Hubbard, boys should give theirs to Coach Barten.
4)You will later in the season get an email from USAU to confirm that you are a player on the team. Please use a current email address so that you can respond and join the team. You will have to do this again for the state tournament, as well as for an other tournament roster that you are placed on.
5) Player Dues: The final tally for Dues is not yet set, but is normally about $90 per player. This is not due immediately, but will be required to receive your Jersey Order.
Important Dates:
*Thursday 2/23* --->Practice Begins at the Friendly Hills gymnasium (701 Mendota Heights Road 55120) on Thursday, and then continues every Monday and Thursday for boys, and Monday Tuesday and Thursday for Girls until we move outside.
*Tuesday April 4th --->First scheduled girls game, this is during spring break, we can discuss as a team if we would like to postpone this game.
*Thursday April 6th ---First scheduled boys game, this is during spring break, we can discuss as a team if we would like to postpone this game.
*Saturday March 18th --->Fundraising. Everyone is expected to join at least one of our two fundraising dates. This is the first and generally goes from about 9:30 to 4:00 that day. Pizza is included as well as opportunities for cash prizes. (We would benefit parent participation for this event)
*Saturday March 25th --->Fundraising day two. This is your second opportunity to make money for your team reducing our player dues. Blitz days generally goes from about 9:30 to 4:00 that day. Pizza is included as well as opportunities for cash prizes. (We would benefit parent participation for this event).
*The weekend of June 3rd and 4th --->This is the state tournament. You should plan to be available for the entire weekend. For people who are either graduating or would like to attend graduation; We have this struggle every year, but have been able to have seniors play the entire day and make it back for graduation. That being said we do understand seniors leaving early to celebrate with their family and getting ready for the event.
*Tournament Dates: We are currently not setup to attend other tournaments this year, but if we do have enough players who are interested and can raise enough funds, tournament that we have attended in the past are Hopkins Hustle May 13-14 and Chris Goeke Memorial tournament May 20-21 (We need to register for tournaments in the first week of April, if players are interested).
If you have other questions feel free to ask coached before or after practice or Email coaches (listed on the sidebar to the right).