Initial Rosters for both Boys A and B teams, as well as any actions that must be taken. If you have a roster problem listed next to your name you must talk to me about resolving it, or resolve it and let me know that it is fixed on practice either Monday or Wednesday.
As a reminder; Our Boys A roster is shorter than our Boys B roster, and after the second or third game we play we will move 1-3 players for out Boys B team to our Boys A team.
Boys A roster is as Follows:
Michael Allen
Lucas Brockman
Sully Brooks
Hayden Cole
Max Miller
Garret Moore
Chancler Nelson
Terrell Sann
Ben Voight (Ben you are not currently a USAU member. You must resolve this issue).
Ben Wickard
Currently unrostered:
Austin Jukua-Strobach (I have no information for you. I need your USAU membership information as I cannot currently place you on the roster)
Boys B roster is as Follows:
Connor Benson
Beau Brooks (Your USAU membership is not currently active. Please go to and renew your membership)
Rudy Gapinski
Liam Hickey
Willard Lee
Dustin Mishienzi
Dalton Olson
Eric Peters
Alex Radack
Toivo Radloff
Ike Rieth
Levi Reith
Henry Warwick
Joe Wassweiler
Jake Wendt
The following players who I believe are playing but are unrostered: I currently do not have USAU numbers for any of the following and unable to roster you. Please let me know your USAU information on Monday or Wednesday at Practice. If you you do not have a USAU membership yet we should talk about getting that done quickly, I will try to leave some time for after practice for us to discuss what needs to be done.
Sam Dahlberg
Sam (I am not sure of your last name)
Niles Clem
Mason Bower
If you are interested in playing and not on this list You will need to contact me so that we can figure out how what we need to to do to get things rolling.
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