Here is the email I received about the state tournament. The most important part right now is that I need a Volunteer to help out at the state tournament. If you are able to donate some time, please comment or email me so I can forward your information along. Otherwise Here is the Info.
Hello Coaches and Organizers,
It's that time of year. Before you know it your teams will be competing in the state tournament on June 3-4 at the National Sports Center! (And hopefully, on June 8 as well!) But first, we have some emailing to do.
Let me first say: THANK YOU for coaching and organizing. I hope you are having an awesome season and that states will be the perfect way to finish it up! And now, down to business.
Formats. We are working on building these on our website as well, and should have them finalized by Sunday night, if not sooner. Will be the same formats we've used in the past - divisions of 16 teams, 3 pool play games on Saturday, 2-3 bracket games on Sunday. (Open Division IV and Girls Division II may be a bit different with a different number of teams...)
Round Times. As follows:
Saturday: 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 2:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 2:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm
Competition Rules. All games to 15, point cap 17. Hard cap at 100 minutes (no soft cap). Two timeouts per team per game.
Field Map. Preliminary map attached. Still subject to minor changes (e.g., we will be getting M3 as well, and may lose the J's and get replacements elsewhere depending on conditions over the next week)
Field Food. Due to low consumption and high waste in past years, as with last year we once again will not be providing bananas and bagels at tournament central. There will, however, be concessions open during prime hours (see field map). And the NSC is surrounded by businesses selling food. Please plan accordingly.
Score reporting. We will once again use our website (powered by Ultimate central) for score reporting. More details to follow. Please prepare to have someone report every score and spirit score immediately after every game for your team. Spirit scores are required. Reporting spirit scores is a spirit issue, and it is required for your team to be eligible for the spirit award. We are also dreaming up sanctions for teams who blow this off. E.g., future eligibility, increased entry fees, public shaming, mandatory score reporting training, painting my deck, etc. If you need to get a tattoo on the back of your hand to remind you to report these scores after each game, there's plenty of time to do that, and then you'd be all set for next year as well!
Volunteers. Every team is required to provide a volunteer. The event can't run without them! Jake messaged all teams that are missing a volunteer on Friday morning. This is a final reminder that those volunteers must be identified by the time the schedule is released. If a volunteer is not identified your team may be barred from participation.
Division I Finals. The finals for Open and Girls' Division I will once again not be played over the weekend, but rather will be played in a stadium on Thursday, June 8 at Benilde St. Margaret. 2501 Highway 100 South, St. Louis Park, MN 55416. Open finals will start at 6:30 pm and Girls finals will start at 8:15 pm.
More tournament details will follow in the coming days.
Best regards,
Dave Klink
Competition Director
Competition Director
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