Saturday, June 3, 2017

State Tournament Day 2

Congratulations everyone we went a combined 5-0 on the day. I am proud and excited for the State tournament for tomorrow.
Girls start at 9 on field M2 (same as we were supposed to play on today)
Boys start at 9 on Field P1 (one field south of where we were today).
Players should arrive between 8 and 8:30. Also Weather for tomorrow will be similar to today, but possibly less cloudy.

Friday, June 2, 2017

More details for State.

Link to the Field Map:

Boys games at 8:30 and 12:30 on field P3 (west) plan to be present by 8:00 and ready to warm up.

Girls games are on Field M2 at 8:30, 10:30 and 12:30. Ladies try to be there at 7:30 so that you can meet your teammates from southwest and benilde for the tourney.

All players who have not paid your team dues please bring $40 or a check made out to Henry SIbley Ultimate.

Also bring water, sunblock, and a white shirt in case another team is wearing something near our colors.

Note the weather for tomorrow is hot, with a chance of Thunderstorms for our last games. Please dress accordingly.

Also the address for the National Sports Center is 1700 105th ave Blaine MN 55449. (and it takes 20-25 minutes to get there from Sibley.

Sorry for the lateness of this post and I will see you all in the morning.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

High school Tournament Info

Here is the link to the High school Championships Website.
For the Boys we will have 2 games on Saturday at 8:30 and at 12:30. If we get last in our pool we will play a third game on saturday, otherwise we will play 3 games on sunday at 9, 11, and 1.
Girls we will have games at 8:30, 10:30, 12:30 (looks like a 2:30 bye), and then a game on sunday starting at 9. After that there is going to be a bracket and I believe we will get two more games.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

State Tournament Update.

Here is the email I received about the state tournament. The most important part right now is that I need a Volunteer to help out at the state tournament. If you are able to donate some time, please comment or email me so I can forward your information along. Otherwise Here is the Info.
Hello Coaches and Organizers,
It's that time of year. Before you know it your teams will be competing in the state tournament on June 3-4 at the National Sports Center! (And hopefully, on June 8 as well!) But first, we have some emailing to do.
Let me first say: THANK YOU for coaching and organizing. I hope you are having an awesome season and that states will be the perfect way to finish it up! And now, down to business.
Formats. We are working on building these on our website as well, and should have them finalized by Sunday night, if not sooner. Will be the same formats we've used in the past - divisions of 16 teams, 3 pool play games on Saturday, 2-3 bracket games on Sunday. (Open Division IV and Girls Division II may be a bit different with a different number of teams...)
Round Times. As follows:
Saturday: 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 2:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm
Competition Rules. All games to 15, point cap 17. Hard cap at 100 minutes (no soft cap). Two timeouts per team per game.
Field Map. Preliminary map attached. Still subject to minor changes (e.g., we will be getting M3 as well, and may lose the J's and get replacements elsewhere depending on conditions over the next week)
Field Food. Due to low consumption and high waste in past years, as with last year we once again will not be providing bananas and bagels at tournament central. There will, however, be concessions open during prime hours (see field map). And the NSC is surrounded by businesses selling food. Please plan accordingly.
Score reporting. We will once again use our website (powered by Ultimate central) for score reporting. More details to follow. Please prepare to have someone report every score and spirit score immediately after every game for your team. Spirit scores are required. Reporting spirit scores is a spirit issue, and it is required for your team to be eligible for the spirit award. We are also dreaming up sanctions for teams who blow this off. E.g., future eligibility, increased entry fees, public shaming, mandatory score reporting training, painting my deck, etc. If you need to get a tattoo on the back of your hand to remind you to report these scores after each game, there's plenty of time to do that, and then you'd be all set for next year as well!
Volunteers. Every team is required to provide a volunteer. The event can't run without them! Jake messaged all teams that are missing a volunteer on Friday morning. This is a final reminder that those volunteers must be identified by the time the schedule is released. If a volunteer is not identified your team may be barred from participation.
Division I Finals. The finals for Open and Girls' Division I will once again not be played over the weekend, but rather will be played in a stadium on Thursday, June 8 at Benilde St. Margaret. 2501 Highway 100 South, St. Louis Park, MN 55416. Open finals will start at 6:30 pm and Girls finals will start at 8:15 pm.
More tournament details will follow in the coming days.
Best regards,
Dave Klink
Competition Director

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Direction update (previous directions were just to our fields.)

Sorry the map I gave you to prior lake was incorrect and just wanted to update you with the correct directions to the game this Thursday.,+Delaware+Avenue,+Mendota+Heights,+MN/Prior+Lake+High+School,+7575+150th+St+W,+Savage,+MN+55378/@44.7843268,-93.3830987,11z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87f62b59f030f793:0xd984db59ae273218!2m2!1d-93.107805!2d44.886961!1m5!1m1!1s0x87f63c2ae03599c1:0x6ac84949a37eb49d!2m2!1d-93.3783148!2d44.7285078

Sunday, May 21, 2017

This week in Ultimate

Jersey's are supposed to arrive on Tuesday.
Practice as normal for Monday and Wednesday.
Girls will play at home on Tuesday against White bear lake.
Boys will play at Prior Lake on Thursday (prior lake fields should be located here:…/@44.8858…/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e0)
Remember Team dues of $40 must be paid be paid before you will receive your Jersey. (checks made out to henry sibley ultimate club)

Sunday, May 14, 2017

This week in ultimate (plus, jerseys, state tournament info and dues)

We will practice as usual for monday and wednesday.
Girls game on Tuesday at Henry Sibley against White Bear Lake. Game is at 6, players arrive and be ready to go at 5:30.
Boys game on Thursday at Roseville (roseville middle school on CountyRoad B2 between rice and 35E).
State Tournament News. Girls, we have been talking with Southwest (whom we played against 4 weeks ago) and will be allowed to combine teams with them for the state tournament. We will need to make some roster corrections to make this work out so I will need some USAU numbers and you will have to respond to an email to join their roster.
Jerseys: I talked to our Jersey Provider and they are currently in production and he is expecting them to ship this week. Hopefully we can have them early next week.
Season dues: So far people have paid the $36 USAU dues, but will now collecting the team dues that pay for the state tournament, Jerseys, and the high school league. Player dues are $40 per person. Andrew will take Cash or checks can be made out to Henry Sibley Ultimate. (player dues will need to be collected prior to receiving your Jersey).

Sunday, May 7, 2017

This Week in Ulimate.

Monday: Boys will practice as Normal. Ladies have a game at Roseville.
Tuesday: Boys will play at 4:00 (arrive after school and warm up) Hubs will show up at 4 to coach the game, I will try to be there as soon as I can, but I work until 4:30 in hopkins and likely can't arrive until 5:00. Girls will play at Home against Benilde St. Margaret. Game starting at 6: arrive by 5:30 to warm up.
Wednesday: both teams practice as Normal.
Thursday: Boys play at home against Eagan. Arrive at 5:15 and be ready to warm up starting at 5:30.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

This week in Ultimate.

MONDAY:Ladies have a make up game. Please show up as normal for practice time and be ready to play Eagan. Boys have Practice as usual.

Tuesday: Girls Game at Roseville-15 County Rd B2 E, Little Canada, MN 55117

Wednesday Practice as usual for both teams.

Thursday: Boys game at Lakeville-21135 Jacquard Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 (this may not be correct, I will double check and update if we are playing somewhere else).

Friday, April 21, 2017

Saturday night windchill game.

Anyone want free tickets to the Windchill game this saturday? If you do please fill out the following form.
If you fill this out you should be able to pick up tickets at the WillCall at the National Sports center. You will need to fill this out tonight to get tickets for the game tomorrow.

Also, you must be one of the rostered players to recieve tickets...I believe they will be checking the registrations against our USAU rosters. However if you want to bring a friend/family member there are still for sale tickets available.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

This Week in ultimate.

Practice mondays and Wednesdays as usual.
Boys will have games both tuesday at St. Thomas Academy (Game Field: located at STA 949 Mendota Heights Rd 55120) and at home against Woodbury on Thursday. Please arrive to both games at 5:15, be ready to run by 5:30 first pull should be at 6.
Ladies have a game against Southwest (Home field: Minikahda Vista Park, Inglewood Ave S & W 39th St, St. Louis Park) on Tuesday. Please arrive and be ready to go by 5:30.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Boys Plan for tomorrow (Thursday).

Boys Team Plan for Thursday. We are scrimmaging each other after school due to the other team not having enough players to play. Please show up as normal with a plan to be warmed up and ready to start playing at 4:00. Boys will be split into two teams. Team 1 will be White (everyone on team 1 bring a white shirt/jersey). Team A will be Dark (Everyone on team A bring a dark Jersey [generally blue black or red]).

Team 1 will be:
Jake Boehm, Lendale Bui-Smith, Gabe Fromm, Liam Hickey, Charlie Vandagriff, Henry Warwick, Jake Wendt, Nathan Whitecomb, Ian Bursey, and Evan.
Team A will be Alex Hogg, Willard Lee, Dustin Michenzi, Levi Rieth, Matt Morse, JC, Alex Radack, Alek Martinez, Sam Altschuler, Griffin Pocock, and Simon Erickson.

I will see you all tomorrow. If you are somehow missed please bring a light and a dark Jersey to be given a team.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Links to the first five weeks of scheduled games.

Hello All, just posting the official games schedule. Note that we did not play either of our boys or girls games over spring break. Ladies will reschedule for 4/13; and boys are rescheduled for 4/18.
Here is the link to the Girls Schedule for the first five weeks:…/schedule
All games are tuesdays for girls at 6, and thursdays for boys at 6. Players should arrive at 5:15, and ready to warm up by 5:30. Use the schedule to to see upcoming home and away games (and expect a post each week with that weeks coming games).

Sunday, April 9, 2017

This Week in Ultimate

Everyone: Standard practices monday and wednesday this week.

Ladies: We should have a game on tuesday at Northfield Hubs should have more details on monday and I will post the game location as soon as I know it [it is currently not listed on the league website].

Boys: We will have a game on Thursday at Home against at international school of Minnesota which seems to be out of Eden Prairie. I will post players who are currently able to play all others need to get there USAU membership prior to game time.

One more note for boys: our rescheduled game against St. Thomas Academy will be played on tuesday April 18th.

Boys who are eligible: 
Jake Boehm
Lendale Bui-Smith

Gabriel Fromm
Liam Hickey
Alex Hogg
Ben Kirkwood
Mitch LaCroix
Willard Lee
Alex Malen
Dustin Michienzi
Matthew Morse
Levi Rieth
Henry Warwick
Jake Wendt

Boys who are currently Ineligible due to not having USA Ultimate Membership up to date. [If you would like to play this week, you will need to fix this by Wednesday.]
Juancarlos Caban
Alek Martinez 
Alexander Radack
Anthony rocke
Charlie Vandagriff
Nathan Whitecomb

Also if your name is not listed you need to get me your USAU membership number so I can roster you.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Jersey Update. Hope to Order by midnight tonight

Jersey Update: I am getting set to order Jerseys and this is the information that I have an plan on submitting. If there something is very wrong please post here as soon as possible so that we can fix any errors.
Boehm (m) S 41
Dubuc (m) XS 92
Arvidsson (m) s 42 (also a boys jersey from last year)
Latulippe (m) s 56
J. Yang (m) s 98
M. Yang S 37
Tibayan XS 4
Also, if I can get a Long sleeve for $40 dollars let me know if you are interested (as of now just Clara).
Boehm M
Bursey M 44
Fromm M 8
Hickey XL 88
Hogg (junior Large) 17
Lee S 00
Martinez XL 25
Michienzi L 27
Radack L 13
Vandagriff XL 7
Warwick M 53
Wendt L 15
Whitecomb S 96
Pocock L 28
I will also plan on ordering various sizes for Bui-Smith, JC, Kirkwood, LaCroix, Morse, Rocke, Rieth, and Sam.
Again if there is something incorrect please let me know soon as I plan on submitting the order at midnight tonight.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Registration and Jerseys

Registrations, Jerseys, and Such.
As of right now there are currently only 9 males and 3 females signed up on our google sheet. We need to get people singed up and registered so that I can update the official team roster with our league's governing body. Please get your USAU membership and fill out our online survey (click the registration tab on the right side of the screen, and complete the three links highlighted under registration)
Also, Jerseys: For sizing please go to this website our Jerseys our the top listed Jersey (AZKAR). You can order them in Mens or Women's sizes (and the reports from many of last years ladies was that the Men's sizes had a more comfortable fit). I would like only players to post here, and only post once, with what size, and a number (or numbers) preference [note that just because you ask for a number does not mean that you will get it, and listing more than one number increases your chances of getting something you like.]
I will try to post a picture o both the boys and ladies jerseys if I can figure out how to do so shortly.
Also, as a reminder: Blitz date for fundraising this Saturday. See you all in front of the school at 9 am (and plan to be busy until 4 pm). (If you can do a half day let me know as we want as many people as we can get, and if we can get a few people who would do 9-12 or 1 that would help us.) Also, if you have a parent who could volunteer drive that would also be a great benefit for our team.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

A couple of notes for the week!

First, Fundraising:We only had 6 people show up to the Blitz this morning, which is not a strong start for the season. The Rumor is that a lot of people were planning to come to the Blitz on the 25th because of other commitments...I hope that is true and believe it is very important for us to have better numbers next weekend. That being said, if you see Melissa, Jenny, Alec, Liam, Jolin, or Clara be sure to thank them for raising a combined $1364 for our team (953 from sales, and 411 from donations). Also as a motivator for people to show up next weekend, Jenny and Melissa walked home with a combined $121 in cash due to some lucky cash bag draws as well as having a huge day of selling.
Second: As of right now, I only have 9 people signed up on the on the google sheet (located on the right side of your screen) and we need to get that figured out. I would like to order jerseys, and this is the form I use to make sure that everyone gets one. Please sign up for this and your USAU membership (which is also found to the right.) If you are having trouble with this please talk to me at practice and we will get things figured out.
Finally: Looks like good weather for next week. Make sure to be at practice Monday and Wednesday at the fields south of the tennis courts, and again be ready for more fundraising on Saturday.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Moving Practices outside.

Hello Sibley Player, Due to a conflict with the Friendly Hills Gym Schedule we will be changing our practice times and location.

We are moving our Practices outside as of Monday the 13th. We will be practicing at Sibley on the soccer fields just south of the Tennis courts along warrior Drive. We will be starting at 3:30. Also it looks like it will be pretty cold so everyone make sure to dress very warmly.

See you all there.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Henry Sibley Ultimate 2017 kickoff information and start up.

Hello and welcome to the 2017 Spring Ultimate Season.

There is registration information on the side bar.  The steps to register are:
1)Sign up for a USAUltimate membership. It will cost 34.50 and this will be due immediately (this is required for the rest of signup). (I believe there is also a player waiver they will make you sign so paying isn't the only thing you need to do while on their website).

2)Fill out the information form so that coaches have player information and USAU ID number which will be required to officially roster players.

3)Fill out the medical Authorization Form; Print it out and Bring it to practice.  Ladies should give their's to Coach Hubbard, boys should give theirs to Coach Barten.

4)You will later in the season get an email from USAU to confirm that you are a player on the team.  Please use a current email address so that you can respond and join the team.  You will have to do this again for the state tournament, as well as for an other tournament roster that you are placed on.

5) Player Dues: The final tally for Dues is not yet set, but is normally about $90 per player. This is not due immediately, but will be required to receive your Jersey Order.

Important Dates:

*Thursday 2/23* --->Practice Begins at the Friendly Hills gymnasium (701 Mendota Heights Road 55120) on Thursday, and then continues every Monday and Thursday for boys, and Monday Tuesday and Thursday for Girls until we move outside.

*Tuesday April 4th --->First scheduled girls game, this is during spring break, we can discuss as a team if we would like to postpone this game.

*Thursday April 6th ---First scheduled boys game, this is during spring break, we can discuss as a team if we would like to postpone this game.

*Saturday March 18th --->Fundraising. Everyone is expected to join at least one of our two fundraising dates. This is the first and generally goes from about 9:30 to 4:00 that day.  Pizza is included as well as opportunities for cash prizes. (We would benefit parent participation for this event)

*Saturday March 25th --->Fundraising day two. This is your second opportunity to make money for your team reducing our player dues. Blitz days generally goes from about 9:30 to 4:00 that day.  Pizza is included as well as opportunities for cash prizes. (We would benefit parent participation for this event).

*The weekend of June 3rd and 4th --->This is the state tournament. You should plan to be available for the entire weekend.  For people who are either graduating or would like to attend graduation; We have this struggle every year, but have been able to have seniors play the entire day and make it back for graduation. That being said we do understand seniors leaving early to celebrate with their family and getting ready for the event.

*Tournament Dates: We are currently not setup to attend other tournaments this year, but if we do have enough players who are interested and can raise enough funds, tournament that we have attended in the past are Hopkins Hustle May 13-14 and Chris Goeke Memorial tournament May 20-21 (We need to register for tournaments in the first week of April, if players are interested).

If you have other questions feel free to ask coached before or after practice or Email coaches (listed on the sidebar to the right).